Tuesday 23 December 2014

Primal Urges.

I often make New Years resolutions. I very rarely stick to them. I want to get fitter. I'm hardly obese, but I could stand to be a bit happier in my own skin. 

This year however, will be different. Because starting on January first, I'm going Paleo.

"Dude, what in the name of the wee man does that mean?" I hear you ask; it's quite simple really. I'm going to go on what's called a Palaeolithic or Primal diet. Also known as the "caveman diet", the core idea is; if the cavemen couldn't have it, then neither can I. I won't be going 100% strict with it- and I will still be eating some of the "grey area foods" like bacon and cheese. However, some of the main things I definitely cannot eat are:

•| Potatoes (Though I can have sweet potatoes)
•| Bread
•| Pasta
•| Pastry
•| Legumes
•| Sugar
•| Processed stuff
•| Artificial stuff.

There are other things here and there that I won't be allowed, and I have downloaded an app that answers the question "Is it Paleo?" with a simple yes or no, and links to reasons. I'm still allowed chocolate, but only dark chocolate over 70% in cacao content, and another "grey area" allows for whole (blue top) milk in moderation. Alcohol wise- it's red wine only for the foreseeable.

Bread and pasta I think will be among the things I will miss the most- but looking for and trying alternatives will be interesting and fun. Anything containing corn syrup and such is out- so I will probably have to make my own ketchup and barbecue sauce if I can't find a nice organic one- that'll be fun too! Removing all of the items from the house I can't have will make it all much easier, as will shopping with my app in hand.

This, along with my cycling and exercise- will hopefully make a big difference in me over the coming months! I'll share good recipes I come across incase people want to try them. 

I can see me hating myself for this, but it's for my own good!

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