Thursday 18 December 2014

The true reason for the season- This blogger's festive message.

I love winter, but there are elements of the festive season that bother me. 

One thing that keeps coming up year on year in various levels of focus, is the supposed "War on Christmas". By this, I mean Christians whining at people saying "happy holidays" and "taking the Christ out of Christmas". 

So when did this "war" start? Well, Christianity, unfortunately you started it. In order to better spread among people and gain more followers in your fledgling years, you adapted. You made your own holy days and festivals fall at the same times as existing solstice celebrations- an awkward fact, but a fact nonetheless. Christmas isn't even Christian- it's made from bits of Yule and Saturnalia; Germanic and Roman holidays respectively. 

But does it really matter?

People have been exchanging gifts for centuries, and for a long time before the current idea of. Christmas was invented. What does it matter what we call it?

I feel I have something to share with you though, for I know the true "reason for the season". The real reason we do this every year.


Axial tilt.

No really, that's it. Because the earth is tilted on its axis as it orbits and spins, this provides us with distinct seasons and varying day lengths. Of them all, winter is the most dark, cold and miserable time of our year, and we could use the cheering up. It's not about spirituality, it's not about God, it's about making it all a bit more bearable,for ourselves and those we care about.

Another thing I dislike is how commercial it all is. For that reason, I buy very few presents and don't write any cards. This year, my family and friends that I am buying for will be getting their gifts in January, simply because my payslip will be better, and the festive price bubble will have burst, so I'll be able to get better things for people, without the mad dash. Anyone that does send me a Christmas card this year, as any other year; please be assured, any cards I receive are not thrown away: I recycle.

This is the most festive I've been in years, hope you enjoyed reading, and if you're reading for the first time, please enjoy the blog!

Happy holidays!!

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