Wednesday 25 June 2014

A special kind of person.

As you know, not everyone can be a psychic, or a medium.

It takes years to hone the skill. It takes focus. Some say that it's a gift that is bestowed on them from an early age, and I'm inclined to agree- it must be- because it takes a special kind of person to profit from people's grief, sorrow, loneliness and desperation. Not only that- but to blatantly lie and say they can contact departed love ones. Why does anyone accept this? It's sick and depraved. How such people are allowed to operate as a business (because that's what they are) is completely beyond me. It is literally profit from suffering. 

There is no steadfast evidence that any human being can establish contact with those who have died. There is also no evidence for the "spirit world", extrasensory perception, or the accuracy of any form of divination or fortune telling. Until proven otherwise, they are all heartless money grabbing charlatans. 

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