Saturday, 21 November 2015

In search of I

Recently I've been thinking I should be doing more. 

I mean this in a general sense; I feel like I've been existing, and not actually living. I have depended far too much, too often and too long on other people for happiness- when I should be seeking it out for myself.

It's been a while now since I last had any semblance of a plan in life. The last time I did, I worked toward buying my flat- and so it came to fruition. Since then I've just been getting by, or at least trying to. 

I have a home. I have family. I am lucky to have the love of a kind and beautiful young woman. I have a few close friends. I have a car. I have a job that allows me to live reasonably comfortably. What I do not have, is a feeling of accomplishment, worth, or self satisfaction- which is why I am making some plans for the future, the first steps of which will start on Monday morning.

It feels good to be doing something for myself for a change. I am the sort of person who, in the past, has always put other people before his own wants and desires. 

Lately however, I have become a little more of a recluse. I go to work, I come home, I eat, I sleep, I play games, I play guitar, I write, jam with the band sporadically and occasionally see one of my handful of friends for a cup of tea. I would see my Girlfriend regularly (for she is also the best friend anyone could hope for in life, and was long before we paired), but she is studying 180 miles away. I can't just hop in the car or bus and go to visit whenever I like, neither can she. The situation has been hard- but it  is only temporary. That thought however, does not exactly alleviate all loneliness. The black dog and I are still very well acquainted.

Others do not seek me out. I am not invited to things. Whether that is out of dislike for me as a person, being generally overlooked as a face in the crowd, or whether the people I know and associate with are simply too busy and wrapped up in their own lives to spare me a thought or correspondence- I don't know. All I know is that if I didn't put myself out there on social media, messenger, and the odd text message- I would hear from no-one at all. In the past I've contemplated avoiding making contact for a week to see if anyone actually cares enough to get in touch- but I needn't have bothered- because recently it happened completely by chance. I saw no-one but work colleagues, and heard from no-one but my Girlfriend and my Mother. 

Assuming (Nay- hoping) with faith in those I know, that the the latter of the three options is the truth (it is the least upsetting, at least), I have come to the following conclusion: I too, must busy myself. For myself. 

I will do this by furthering myself academically and creatively. I'm not going to do it to be liked, or to impress- but to seek and achieve something I want. Something, as I've said, I have not done in around the last five years. I want to work toward something I'm passionate about, like the woman I love is doing right now. She- above all other fervours and venoms I nurture from my solitude- is my muse in this. But again- it's not even for her that I do this. 

It's a long overdue journey in search of I.

Friday, 13 November 2015

One Night in Paris... And the Mourning After.

I looked upon last nights scenes from the multiple terror attacks in Paris with unadulterated horror, as I'm sure countless others did. As many as 140 people are dead, possibly more, making it the worst European terrorist attack in decades. It also caused France's borders to be closed for the first time since 1944. 

However, what we need to watch for now is the reaction.

As it stands (at time of writing), no group has yet claimed responsibility, and 8 perpetrators have been killed, or committed suicide by explosive. It is strongly speculated that it is Daesh (the group claiming to be "Islamic State" operating out of Iraq and Syria), or another group acting in their support.

The bloodiest act of the night was a hostage situation at the Bataclan Theatre in which over 100 people were held hostage. Shortly after armed forces stormed the building, the terrorists inside returned gunfire before detonating  suicide vests. The result was that up to 120 people may have died in the theatre alone. (Figure is as yet unconfirmed.) 

French prime minister François Hollande said at the scene "we will lead a war that is pitiless" which frankly scared the wits out of me for several reasons. 

Wikileaks reports that it is an avowed strategy of Daesh to use the crackdown (since the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January) to radicalise the Muslims of France. If they manage to harness even 1%, that's in the region of 50,000 people. 

So let's, for talkings sake, imagine that France declares open war on Daesh, and supporting extremist organisations. That will of course, lead to Britain participating in some way- with either bombs or boots. This is all the more likely, given that  it was recently reported in mainstream media, that Britain is no longer considered a major player in Europe. In addition to this, with the looming referendum on European Union membership, Britain will want to show it is a big player, one that will continue to be an asset to Europe whatever way our vote goes.

And if France, the U.K. and other countries go to war, you can bet your boots that similar, regular attacks on civilians will happen in these countries as a result, from terrorist cells who have discreetly travelled to our soil, or that have been established here in sympathy. We will be fighting enemies within and without, as what we would really be fighting is not an army or an country, but an ideology- and how do you fight an idea?

I wish I had an alternative, but I honestly don't. All that looks set to happen here is more violence. Open conflict on the ground at some point seems inevitable.

There are however, things that you and I can do. We don't need to lose our humanity and tolerance. We cannot allow ourselves to blame or point the finger at refugees fleeing Iraq and Syria- after all- this is exactly the kind of activity they are fleeing from. Over there it happens nearly every single day. It is important to remember that in the 1940's, millions of European people were fleeing persecution from another oppressive regime- many of them to
Northern Africa- so the shoe was firmly on the other foot! Neither can we allow the demonisation of liberal and moderate Muslims- to do so is no different to comparing every Christian to Anders Breivik or the Phelps family. Challenge it wherever you hear it. Too much life has been lost without further loss of human decency in those still living.

All these actions foster is more hatred and ignorance; a cycle of violence and hatred. We cannot allow this to happen, because this is exactly what Daesh want. They want recognition as a state, and their endgame is for that state to span the very breadth of the globe. It is important to remember that they are just as much of an enemy to peaceful religious peoples as they are to atheists like me. Just as much of a threat to the western world as the Middle East where their cause currently spreads like a disease. Do not give them credence and legitimacy by calling them IS, ISIL or ISIS. Call them Daesh. From Arabic it roughly translates to "one who tramples underfoot".

After all, that's what Daesh is doing. It is trampling societies, cultures, history and humanity itself.