Monday, 1 June 2015

Has it really been 6 months?

Today, June the 1st, marks 6 months of being on paleo. 

You guys know what that means!

Yup- landmark. You're being subjected to more progress pictures! 

Enjoy, I guess! Or don't! Whatever! I'm proud of it. No, I'm not done yet. Yes, I'm still a way off my target, and no, I don't know how much I've lost-- but what I can tell you is that since January first, the belt I'm wearing in today's pictures has had two extra holes made in it.

Let's travel through time!


60 days later

Today, 01/06/15

I'm really feeling good looking back over these, it does feel like progress. Soon I may have to go a wee clothes shop...

From here on in, now that it's hopefully going to be getting warmer, and I plan to do a lot more cycling, as well as some hillwalking, and continuing lifting some weights at home.

Who knows- if I keep at it, perhaps in another 6 months, it could be a one man gun show!